scala summer camp Kraków 2017
scala summer camp
Learn λ, Scala & Akka
free summer workshops in the beautiful city of Kraków


Akka in Scala

Get some theoretical and practical overview of the actor model and asynchronous programming.

You will learn how to program real applications using Akka and Scala. Throughout the day we will switch between quick introductions of the core features and longer step-by-step exercises. This will expose you to all features and tools needed to create and maintain production applications.


Functional Architecture based on Free

Learn how to cut your applications into isolated, independent pieces using free monads. The session is based on a multiplayer, purely functional version of Prisoner’s Dillema.

You will learn how to program real applications using Free monad. Throughout the day we will switch between quick introductions of the new concepts and longer step-by-step exercises. This will get you an idea of how real-world purely functional applications look like.

  • Michał Płachta Michał Płachta - instructor Polyglot software engineer specialised in developing distributed applications. Tea drinker, cyclist & functional programming enthusiast. Loves the human component in software projects.
  • Ocado Technology Ocado Technology - office space + lunch Putting the world’s retailers online using the cloud, robotics, AI, and IoT.
  • Kraków Scala User Group Kraków Scala User Group - organization + marketing Meetup group for anyone interested in Scala programming language and related technologies.

All workshops take place in Ocado Technology office: ul. Rakowicka 7, Kraków.


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channel on Slack


Akka in Scala

Get some theoretical and practical overview of the actor model and asynchronous programming.

You will learn how to program real applications using Akka and Scala. Throughout the day we will switch between quick introductions of the core features and longer step-by-step exercises. This will expose you to all features and tools needed to create and maintain production applications.

Table of Contents:

  • Scala features
  • Actor model
  • Actors in Akka
  • Actor-based applications
  • Akka internals
  • Testing actors
  • Fault tolerance


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Functional Architecture based on Free

Learn how to cut your applications into isolated, independent pieces using free monads. The session is based on a multiplayer, purely functional version of Prisoner’s Dillema.

You will learn how to program real applications using Free monad. Throughout the day we will switch between quick introductions of the new concepts and longer step-by-step exercises. This will get you an idea of how real-world purely functional applications look like.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction to Free
  • First Algebra
  • Using the Algebra
  • First Interpreter
  • Adding new concern to the domain
  • Composing Algebras
  • Different Interpreters for one Algebra


  • Experience writing Scala applications.
  • Familiarity with Akka.
  • Please bring your laptop with Scala+Git enabled environment. If you have problems setting it up, please use contact section.

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